
Sorry Everyone for the long delay, I have been busy with work, reading, and all sorts of stuff.
Ok back to the winners of 2 of my past Giveaways that ended last week (Used

The 2 winners of the Canada Day Blog Hop is:
     Jennifer (The Goddess Test) and ~Enamored Soul~ (Heist Society)
*I will be getting in touch with you today!

Also the Winner of Wither by Lauren DeStefano....
                                        The Novel Nymph

Thanks for all those who entered, everyone of you is awesome!! Some of the What do you know about Canada comments were a little funny:) There is another contest on the Blog- for the month of July for Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston, Hurry and enter that. Check out my new page for my Review Archives!!! Keep a look out for News about books and much more here in Stuck In YA Books!!

Thanks Amanda


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I try to get back to all comments, so check the box for follow up emails, or give me the link to your blog and I'll stop by! I love reading comments!

Thanks Amanda

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