In My Mailbox (20)

A feature exclusively titled by Kristi from The Story Siren that is used by several blogs to display their received reads for the week. 

This week In My Mailbox I received:

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi-  My Review


The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze (Thanks to Hatchette Canada)
A Million Suns by Beth Revis (Across the Universe 2) (Thanks to Penguin Canada)
Keep Holding On by Susane Colasanti (Thanks to Penguin Canada) *Read and Loved*
The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg (Thanks to Penguin Canada)
Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally (Thanks to Source books and Netgalley)

In Light of Burning by K.W. McCabe (author)
Tales from Frewyn by Michelle Franklin (author)
The Commander and the Den Asaan Rautu by Michelle Franklin (author)
Young Murder Love by April Brookshire (author)
Unlovable (Book 1 in the Port Fare Series) by Sherry Gammon (author)
Titan Magic by Jodi Lamm (author)


  1. Looks like you got some great stuff. I really want to read The Catastrophic History of You and Me and Shatter Me. I also really need to get a copy of Across The Universe and read that so I'll be ready when A Million Suns comes out (provided that I like the first book, of course.)

    Glad to see this week was good to you. Have a great day!

    I Write, I Read, I Review

  2. Oh lots of lovelies on here! Unlovable sounds great and has the same cover as Between! I also just read Titan Magic! It's cute!

    Xpresso Reads

  3. Wow.. Awesome books!!! Penguin has the most amazing books ever! I'm so excited for The Catastrophic History of You and Me! Shatter Me was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C!!!! Definitely one of my favs this year! Pure genius!
    Here's My IMM

  4. AHH. Lucky thing you are!! I am crazy excited to read The Last Princess, A Million Suns and Catastrophic History. Can't wait to hear what you think of them :D

    I LOVE Shatter Me, iti s absolutel AMAZING <3


    My IMM

  5. Oooh, I'm reading A Million Suns right now. Loving it so far. :) Shatter Me was great!

  6. Still need to read my copy of Shatter Me. I should make time since everyone seems to be loving it. Last Princess sounds good too. I'll have to look out for it next year.

  7. Amazing books! Im so jealous of the catastrophic history of you and me, catching Jordan and a million suns! I also got shatter me this week , can't wait to read it.

    Enjoy your reads!!

    - Juhina

  8. A lot of great books! Soo lucky to get a copy of A Million Suns! Happy reading! Care to check out my IMM.

  9. Sooo jealous of Catastrophic History and AMS!! They both sound sooo good!!! I hope you enjoy everything, and find time to read it all!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  10. A Millon Suns sounds really good but i have to read Across The Universe first. I hope you enjoy that and everything else you got! Come check out my IMM!!

  11. I'm so jealous about Keep Holding On! You must let me know how it is! :)

  12. A Million Suns...colour me JEALOUS. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I can't wait for The Last Princess and I love that cover! These all look great! Enjoy!

  14. The cover for Unlovable is really beautiful! I hope the book is as good as it looks. Titan magic and some of the others look really cool too. Happy reading!

  15. What a fabulous haul of books for the week!! I was totally suppose to get Shatter Me this week but that was the order that was part of the "book shortage" - I know LAME! lol. But you have got a great load of books in store for this week :) - Thanks for dropping by earlier!

  16. Oh you got great books this week! Lucky girl:) Can't wait to read "Shatter me", your review is AWESOME! X

  17. I still haven't read a Susane Colasanti book. I hope I'm not the only one! I'll add it to my TBR list since you liked it so much! What an awesome selection of books!
    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  18. Ah! You have a Million Suns! So jealous!!! Can't wait for your review on all the lovely books :)

    ♥ Trish
    Just a YA Girl

  19. I am so excited for A Million Suns! Across the Universe left so many open questions, and I can't wait to figure it all out:)

  20. Ahhh you got The Last Princess!! I'm dying to read that one!

  21. OOH you got shatter me and catching jordon. Both are on my tbr list! Happy reading!

  22. I really need to read Across the Universe! It looks super good. And I cannot wait to receive my copy of Shatter Me! I need it nowww. LOL. Enjoy. :)

    My IMM!

  23. SO jealous you have A Million Suns and Catching Jordan!! AHHH. I hope you enjoy all of your books!! :)

  24. OoOo great mailbox! I was in bed all weekend so I'll have to post last week with this weeks. Catching Jordan looks good & I love the cover to Young Love Murder!

  25. Oh my goodness! So many awesome books here! I hope you enjoy them all!

    I found you via the IMM linky. I’m a new follower :)
    Rachel Brooks Writes

  26. Catching Jordan is amazing. It's a powerful story, and will stick with you long after you've read it. Okay, now here come the lame football jokes that I've been holding back. Just as you Remember the Titans (amazing movie, btw), you will remember Catching Jordan, and you can be sure this book will score a touchdown with you.


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