In My Mailbox (32)

 Hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren
I have had one awesome week!! I went to Minneapolis this past weekend and I went to Barns & Noble, which was awesome because I found a pretty hardcover of Shatter Me + Article 5! Then Monday was an awesome day because I got 2 packages in the mailbox from Raincoast Books and Gina Rosati. I was soo excited when I opened it up because the books from Raincoast included the most awesome books, Of Poseidon, a finished copy of Article 5 (I now have 2 copies), another copy of Embrace (love the original cover) Girl Meets Boy and Among Others. In Gina's package, which was soo exciting because she is an awesome author, she sent me an ARC of her debut novel Auracle (signed) and some awesome swag <3 Be sure to follow her on twitter:) On Wednesday, HarperCollins Canada sent me 40 Things I Want To Tell You for an upcoming blog tour, and Once by Anna Carey, really excited to read it! I suck at book bans LOL, I bought Harbinger and The Iron King because I have heard nothing but great things about the series. 

On Thursday, I was in contact with one of the publicists of RazorbillCA and I can say that this is an awesome community to get involved in. They just had a launch a few weeks ago in bring Razorbill to Canada. This is very exciting because tons of great books, I have an awesome giveaway coming up for one of the books! From Razorbill Canada was A Million Suns by Beth Revis and Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston (cant wait!) JOIN Razorbill --> HERE

For Review:

Of Poseidon by Anna Banks (ARC)
Girl Meets Boy by Various Authors (ARC)
Embrace (The Violet Eden Chapters #1) by Jessica Shirvington (ARC)
Article 5 (Article 5 #1) by Kristen Simmons (Finished Copy) --> MY REVIEW
Among Others by Jo Walton (Finished Copy)

--> Thanks to Raincoast Books!! 

Auracle by Gina Rosati (ARC) *signed* + Swag 
--> Thank you Gina for letting me review your upcoming book, and creating beautiful swag <3

Once (Eve #2) by Anna Carey (ARC)
40 Things I Want To Tell You by Alice Kuipers *Tour*
--> Thank you HarperCollins Canada 

A Million Suns (Across the Universe #2) by Beth Revis 
Once Every Never (#1) by Lesley Livingston 
--> Thank you Razorbill Canada 


The Iron King (Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa
Harbinger  by Sarah Willion Entiennne

Thank you to Gina Rosati, HarperCollins Canada, Raincoast Books, Razorbill Canada, , for all the awesome books this week!

Whats was in you mailbox!


  1. Oh wow you did get a great haul this week! Can't wait for the reviews. Auracle looks awesome!

  2. Whoa, great haul! So many books I'd love to read myself. :)

    Article 5 is quite an enjoyable read!

  3. Jeez, I don't even know what to say, you definitely got a lot of greatness!

  4. The Iron King was so good. I can't wait to read it! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  5. OMG YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE ONCE!!!!! It's so good :) We'll have to talk Article 5 once we've both read it :)

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  6. Ooo! Girl Meets Boy, Of Poseiden and Harbinger all sound sooo good! What a fab loot this week - enjoy :)

  7. Awesome IMM!!! Enjoy your lovely goodies.

  8. Wow! Awesome set! I got Embrace last week too. I've been dying to read Harbinger. Looking forward to your thoughts!

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Livin' Life Through Books

  9. Lots of goodies! I loved Shatter Me and A Million Suns. I'm really looking forward to Of Poseidon, Embrace, and Auracle.
    My IMM

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You got some AMAZING books this week also! I can't wait to get my hands on Of Poseidon and Once!

    Happy Reading!
    Nomalicious Reads

  11. You always have the best mailboxes :)

    Yay for Article 5 and AMS! Still need to read those. I can't to hear your thoughts.

    Ooh! So jealous of your copies of Of Poseidon and Embrace. I need those oh so bad ;)

    I hope you love all your books. They look AHmazing <3 Enjoy!

    My IMM

  12. I agree with Jessirae! You always have the most AMAZING IMM! Makes me jealous and happy at the same time! <3 I hope you enjoy every single books you got, Amanda! I can't wait to read your reviews! I've been seeing Of Poseidon in many different IMMs, particulary Canadian book bloggers! :) Happy reading, Amanda! <3

  13. Great books Amanda. I need to read the Iron King too. Had it on my shelves for too long. I love the ARC cover of Embrace--looks really cool.

  14. AMAZING Imm! I LOVED Article 5 and Shatter Me. I hope you enjoy all your new lovelies!

  15. You had an awesome week! Enjoy all the new reads!

  16. Awesome haul! I'm super jealous of a lot of books that you picked up! I really hope they are awesome. I can't wait to see some of your reviews for these, especially for Article 5 and A Million Suns - I am so desperate to read those!

    My Latest Post | My Int Giveaway

  17. waouh great set, some amazing books to read, I hope you'll like them all, the sound awesome. Enjoy!

    My IMM

  18. Amazing books this week!! I can't wait to read Embrace and Of Poseidon :)

  19. Of Poseidon, Article 5 both look good! I need to read the Iron fey series!!! My IMM is

  20. Oh ONCE & OF POSEIDON!! I want to read them!! Can't wait to get my hands on them!
    You got a lot of amazing books! Enjoy them all!!


  21. Article 5 and Of Poseidon sound so good.

    So much awesome this week. Happy reading. =)

  22. OMGGGG!! *flails* Runs to your bed trying to reach all the lovelies!! :O Amazing!

  23. Oh wowzers Amanda you had a fabulous week! Article 5 is SO GOOD! I also can't wait to read Harbinger finally. Awesome haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  24. I really can't wait to read Once! Awesome haul this week. Happy reading!!

  25. Wow great haul! I'm looking forward to reading Harbinger too.
    Happy Reading!
    Meaghan @ Feeling a Little Bookish

  26. So much awesomeness,all of your books are just fantastic. Article 5, harbinger, Of Poseidon, I can't wait to read them.
    Hope that you will enjoy reading The Iron King!

    Here's my IMM:


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Thanks Amanda

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