Armchair BEA: About Me

Made by Nina @ Nina Reads
I am happy to be a part of Armchair BEA this year! Its a great way to interact with all the others who are no able to go to BEA this year.

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

My name is Amanda, I am a Canadian blogger from Thunder Bay, Ontario. I love to read anywhere. I have 3 other siblings. I am currently going to be going into my 4th year of university. I have been blogging for over a year now. I got into blogging by starting to post mini reviews on Chapter Indigo. My reading progressed after I read the Twilight series. I started to blog on blogger after a few months.

2. What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

I am currently reading Hourglass by Myra McEntire. My favorite book I read so far would be Divergent and Of Poseidon. (too many to choose from like Second Chance Summer and In Honor) I also LOVE anything by Jennifer L. Armentrout! I could devour any of her books, they are the best! From Half-Blood, Pure, Obsidian, Onyx and many more!

3. Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

I am a very good swimmer during my high school years. I was fast but I never competed, even if I actually was. I love any Reese Peanut Butter products. I have too many cousins to count. I also have 3 dogs.

4. What is your favorite feature on your blog?

My favorite feature on my blog would be Waiting on Wednesday because I discover soo many books that are new that I have to add to my never ending reading pile. Its a fun feature that opens up to many new readers to discover which books you cannot wait to read!

5. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

I see my blog more advanced in 5 years. I hope to go to BEA hopefully in those 5 years and my blog would be more technology advanced. lol I am still learning to photoshop.

6. What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?

I would love to go to Hogwarts because its magical and full of mystery! Harry Potter is a wizard, and going there would be awesome due to the fantastic picture that J.K. Rowling accomplished in her series as many people have read this series. I would love to see all the ghosts as well!


  1. That fourth year of university can be rough! I just finished up mine with a BA in English Literature. Good luck with everything, and I hope you have a fabulous rest of the week, Amanda!

  2. I'm loving the armchair thing already :D
    lol I don't know a THING about photoshop T_T you lucky girl!
    I really want to read Of Poseidon XD

  3. I hope you get to attend BEA one day, I think it'd be fabulous. Second Chance Summer is arriving in my mailbox very soon and I can't wait to read it.

  4. Of Poseidon and In Honor have also been some of my favorite reads this year. At this point I would just settle to visit the Universal Studios Hogwarts. I want to go so bad!

  5. Hi, Amanda! Yes, another travel companion to Hogwarts! Hopefully we'll get to attend the real BEA soon! :)

    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  6. Hi Amanda!

    Oohhh, 3 dogs! And university, your hands must be quite full! Hopefully I'll get to go to BEA sometime in the next 5 years too - I'll see you there! Lol.

    Happy ABEA!!

  7. Maybe we will run into eachother at BEA one year. Hope you enjoy your week.

  8. Hi Amanda Hogwarts would be an awesome place to visit! Enjoy bea!

    My Intro

  9. Yay to a fellow Canadian blogger! ;)

    Hourglass and Of Poseidon sound so awesome! I really, really want to read them asap.

    Waiting on Wednesday is an awesome meme. It's great to see what other bloggers are waiting for. It definitely makes my TBR pile grow and grow. *lol*

    Mmhhh, Reese's Peanut Butter cups... *yumyum*

    Have a great ArmchairBEA week!!! :D

  10. Getting to go to Hogwarts? That's the dream :P

    I also really loved reading Divergent.

    I hope you get to go to BEA in the future! That would be nearly as amazing (or even more so) than visiting Hogwarts.

  11. Oooh, I ADORED Hourglass, and Timepiece is even better! Plus, Myra is awesome. Absolutely one of my favorite author personalities.

    Pleased to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA Intro Post.

  12. Divergent and Of Poseidon are both amazing books! I also love Reese's anything and have too many cousins (I lost count at 30...)

    I think almost everyone I've visited has wanted to visit Hogwarts, and for good reason. One of these days JK Rowling will open up the portal she used to visit the Wizarding World to the public. For now, we're stuck waiting as muggles.

  13. Your blog is pretty advanced already. I love your taste in books. Nice to e-meet you!

  14. Hi Amanda! We already know each other a bit, but it was fun getting to know you a bit more :) Ahh, I hope you are loving Hourglass! It is one of my favorites!! I also chose Hogwarts as my literary locations - so awesome! ttyl!

    My introduction post :)

  15. Hi, Waiting on Wednesday is one of my favorites to. I love seeing what everyone else is waiting on and visiting other blogs. I love your blog. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog.

  16. 3 dogs, how lovely! Interesting interview ;)

  17. I love Waiting on Wednesday, one of the meme I foresee doing still in the future. I hope you enjoy Hourglass, I need to get a copy of Of Poseidon soon but I'm broke lol I love to go to Hogwarts but I realize I'd rather go to Narnia and meet Prince Caspian :P

    My Introduction post here

    We Fancy Books

  18. I'm waiting for Insurgent from the library. I can't wait to read this series since so many people love it.

  19. I so agree about Hogwarts! What an amazing place it would be to visit.

    I have 3 dogs too! OMG never again will have that many. LOL They are such a handful.

    This is the second time I have seen In Honor listed as a favorite of the year so far! I really need to pick up a copy!

    My intro!

  20. Hi Amanda! Nice to meet you! I love your two favourite books! I've only read Divergent but Of Poseidon has been on my wishlist for ages. I've heard such great things about it - I'd love to be able to read it! :) Also, I approve of your Reese's Peanut Butter addiction! Have you tried the Reese's cereal? It's insanely delicious!

    I'd also love to be able to attend BEA one year :)

  21. Oh it would be so fun to visit Hogwarts! What a fab idea!!! I'd want to go during a particular book - like during book 1 when Harry's just learning and then use the time turner to visit again in different books! So much fun.

    Thanks for participating!

    Here's my intro


  22. I don't know the Reese Peanut Butter products, but you could look on my blog for a peanut butter cookie recipe, if you're interested. I made it last week for book group and they were all gone before I knew it!

  23. I want to read Hourglass and I'm currently reading In Honor!
    It's so great to meet you!!
    Hope you have a great Armchair BEA week!
    Here's my post:

    xo Stephanie

  24. hi, Amanda! ahh I can't tread water so I'm jealous of your swimming abilities! Amen on Hogwarts, who doesn't want to go there?!

  25. Hi There!

    Another vote for Hogwarts: it's a good thing that the Great Hall is so big! :D

  26. Yay! Another person to go to Hogwarts with. :) I haven't heard of Of Poseidon-I will have to check it out. I loved Divergent-such a great read. I loved Four!!

  27. Hourglass is an awesome book! And you're reading in just in time for the second one :) Love seeing all the Canadian bloggers around! I hope for the chance to go to BEA within the next 5 years as well, hopefully I am still working on the blog. Great answers :)

  28. Yes! to going to Hogwarts! You could just go to Universal Studios...I think that's where they recreated it? But I have to agree with We Fancy Books and say Narnia!! OMG why didn't I think of that :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Lindsay @ The Literary Darling

  29. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to meet you. :) I also love Of Poseidon. It was amazing! I just read it for a blog tour, and it was so great! And Anna Banks is so nice, and so funny!

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  30. Eeep! I love Hourglass! Definitely one of my favorite series right now. I just got a copy of Of Poseidon and I've heard so much raving. Definitely can't wait to pick it up =)

  31. So I have 2 Jennifer L. Armentrout books waiting on my e-reader. I guess I need to get to those soon! I would also love to visit Hogwarts with you! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a wonderful week!

  32. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love all things Jennifer Armentrout! She's an awesome writer! One of my favorite books was Divergent as well! It was so good! And I wanna visit Hogwarts so bad!

    1. And I followed you! Love that we read a lot of the same stuff!

  33. I'm with you on the Hogwarts! Would so love to visit, hang out, become a Gryffindor...Happy Armchair BEA Week!

  34. Hi Amanda!
    Holy cow, I would SO want to go to Hogwarts. That would be beyond epic. JKR is pretty much my idol, so to go to any place she created, well, awesome.

    I agree on BEA. I'm hoping for next year!

  35. I always wanted to be a strong swimmer, but no matter how many classes I took, I still couldn't figure out the breathing for laps.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. See you in the Gryffindor common room!

  36. Armentrout IS a great author. Everything from her is just amazing.

    Thanks for stopping by mine!

  37. I actually competed in swimming once! It didn't go too well, but it was my first time and I was very young. I barely remember it, haha. But I loved to swim!

    Also, I'm glad to hear Of Poseidon is a favorite! I'm picking it up now. :)

    Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by.

  38. Good luck with your 5 year plan. I hope I get to go to BEA sometime too

  39. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my BEA Intro post. :)

    I loved Divergent, too. Amazing book! :D

    Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself with us. :)
    My Armchair BEA Introductions Post

  40. YAY, a fellow Canadian blogger participating in ABEA. I too hope to one day make it to BEA (you know in the next 5 years would be cool).

    Your blog is very pretty. I love the layout!

    I love Waiting On Wednesday as well for the same reasons. :)

  41. Great interview! It's so neat that you were an awesome swimmer. I think I need to get around to reading Divergent for sure now. :-D

  42. Waiting on Wednesday is a really awesome way of finding out new books that are coming out and also a really great way to be introduced to new authors that you haven't discovered yet. Of Poseidon and Jennifer Armentrout's Covenant series were so good. I really enjoyed reading them and I'm looking forward to reading Second Chance Summer this summer. It's definitely on my list.

    I always love visiting your blog, there's always so much fun and new fresh stuff to check out. Plus, it's really pretty and awesome like you! :)

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    Armchair Bea Introudction @ A Soul Unsung

  43. I have three dogs, too, and love them so, so much! but boy, they act like toddlers and when I'm the only one home, they need my attention ALL THE TIME. and treats. they like getting lots of treats.

    nice to meet you and enjoy aBEA!

  44. Hi nice to meet you!
    YAYYY another Canadian blogger! this is so amazing!

  45. Divergent is one waiting for me to have time for.

    Funny, Hogwarts never occured to me, but it would be a neat place to visit.

  46. I'm looking forward to reading HOURGLASS! I've been sitting on it for a year. I feel like reading this series back to back! I loved DIVERGENT and INSURGENT so, even better than THE HUNGER GAMES! I'm finally going to read OF POSEIDON this month even though I've had it for months because it's almost time for my annual mermaid event! Oh, and yes, Jennifer L. Armentrout!!! I'm not competitive, but I LOVE to swim. Mm, and I LOVE Reese's, YUM! Heh, I almost said Hogwarts!

    I think we'll get along :)

  47. Hi Amanda,

    I am so anxious to read Of Poseidon, I have seen some amazing reviews about it. JLA is one of my favorite authors.

    My Introduction -

  48. Hello! I am a fellow Canadian...Toronto in fact. I am now living in Manila while I write.

    What college are you attending in Ontario if I may inquire?

    By the way, have you ever tried the Reese's donut from Krispy Kreme? OMG, to die for. lol

    Now following you, fellow Canadian.

  49. I'd love to go to Hogwarts too. My husband and I are in the middle of the last movie (finally!). I look forward to the day when I can reread the series with my son :)

  50. Good luck with your studies Amanda. Remember school comes first even though blogging is tempting.


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Thanks Amanda

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