Stacking the Shelves (22) The Casual Vacancy


Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

Thank you Raincoast Books and Hatchette Book Group Canada!


Poison Princess (The Arcana Chronicles #1) by Kresley Cole
Monstrous Beauty (Monstrous Beauty #1) by Elizabeth Fama
Destroy Me (Shatter Me #1.5) by Tahereh Mafi
Live Through This by Mindi Scott 
Reflected In You (Crossfire #2) by Sylvia Day *Already Read*


  1. i have the feeling i would be the last person on planet to buy J.K. Rowling book.. i i mean seriously!

    Here is mine

  2. Oh, that ugly J.K. Rowling book is making its rounds, lol! I hope to get it soon too :)
    Live Through This sounds amazing, emotional, but a good read - can't wait!
    Enjoy your new reads!!!

  3. Live Through This looks good! :D
    I bet the girls in starbooks will be glad to know if you like Reflected In You or not!! ;P

  4. Great book haul! Scarlett, Live Through This, and Poison Princess. Hope you enjoy everything!

  5. I've heard some mixed reviews on Casual Vacancy. Still waiting for mine at the library. I think I might end up getting Poison Princess too. Nice stack this week.

    Thanks for stopping by
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  6. I'm one of the only people in the book blogosphere who has not read/bought/borrowed The Casual Vacancy. I'm still getting through the Harry Potter series! So... :| Yeah. Kind of cool that you got a copy of it for review though. As a primarily YA book blogger it's special when I get an adult book for review.

    Scarlet! Live Through This! I didn't like Shatter Me that much but I may still continue the series. Don't know about paying the couple of bucks for Destroy Me though. If I'd ABSOLUTELY LOVED Shatter Me, then I would not even stop to think about it.

    Check out my book haul!

  7. Oh a lot of great books, I haven't read any but I would love to. Happy reading!

    here is mine

  8. I want to get Destroy me! I hear it's great and quite long for a novella! Great haul, Amanda!

  9. Oooohhh, Scarlet! Looks like you got a great haul for the week!

    Millie @ Millie D's Words

  10. Nice haul! Live Through This and Poison Princess sound great. Enjoy!

  11. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week!

    My IMM

  12. I really want to read Poison Princess and Live Through This! So cool you got Scarlet. I still need to read Cinder >.< I hope you enjoy all these awesome books! :D Great haul.

    Jessirae @ Words, Pages, and Books
    My STS

  13. Oh you got an ARC of Scarlet! I am beyond jealous! I absolutely loved Cinder and can not wait for Scarlet. I look forward to seeing what you think of Casual Vacancy. Here is my Mailbox!

    Vyki @ On The Shelf
    Check out my new meme Cover Crush

  14. I want to read Poison Princess and Scarlet!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  15. Ooh, what a great haul! I'm really looking forward to reading Live Through This! I hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by. :)

  16. Casual Vacancy! I also have it but haven't started yet :) great haul! :)

  17. It must have been awesome to get The Casual Vacancy in the mail! (: I really have to read the Cinder series- I've heard it's great.

    Happy Reading!

  18. A wonderful haul! I have just read and really enjoyed Poison Princess & I can't wait to read Scarlet & Destroy Me.

    Happy reading & thank-you for stopping by my blog

  19. Thanks for stopping by. I haven't read Casual Vacancy either. Hope you love it!

  20. Fabulous book haul! I can't wait to read Scarlet, ahhhh! Happy reading! :D

    New Follower :)

    My Sts
    -Shauna @thesisterstale

  21. I got SCARLET too! Can't wait to start reading it!

  22. I'm still on the fence about Rowling's new one. Can't decide if I need it. I have to grab a copy of Destroy Me though. Happy reading!


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