Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Title: Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Pages: 512 Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy Publisher: Inkyard Press Release Date: June 1, 2021 Buy: Amazon | Chapters Indigo | Kobo *I received an e-ARC from the author and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Summary ( Goodreads ) Danger, betrayal, and enticing forbidden love clash in book three of #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Harbinger trilogy! When Angels Fall Trinity Marrow has lost the battle and her beloved Protector. Even with both demons and Wardens on her side, Trin may not win the war against the Harbinger. Bringing Lucifer back to the world to fight the Harbinger is probably a really, really bad idea, but they’re out of options—and the world’s ultimate fallen angel is the only being powerful enough to impact the outcome. As Trin and Zayne form a new and more dangerous bond and Lucifer unleashes Hell on earth, the ap...