Follow Friday (2)

This is a weekly event hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read every Friday (or Thursday night depending on where you are). This is a good way to reach out to other book bloggers out there!


If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?

 I would totally have dinner with Seth from Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout, he would be the life of the party if I was able to have dinner with him. I would have serve chicken wings:) Plus he likes to talk about himself.


  1. OMG what a great choice! I looove Half-Blood and Seth would definitely be interesting.

    New follower. :)


  2. Hopping through. I'd love to get to Armentrout's books. I've heard good things about them.
    My Hop

  3. Hi & Happy Friday,

    I loved Half-Blood! Seth was great.

    My FF -

    Have a nice weekend..

  4. Happy Follow Friday, new follower (:

    I was thinking about reading Half-Blood, but isn't it really similar to Vampire Academy?

    My FF

  5. I am so sad to say, I am so behind on my YA reading and need to play catch up! I love YA reading!
    new follower

  6. I haven't read Half-Blood but it sounds he would be fun.

    New follower

  7. You sure just love Half-Blood don't you? YOU MAKE ME WANT TO READ SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!! When I get my copy it will ecause of YOU haha

    here is my FF((:

    -thank you&come again.

  8. Not heard of Half Blood before, I guess if he does all the talking it'll give you more staring-with-undiluted-adoration time, which is way better then dessert!

    I chose Ai Ling from Silver Phoenix cos that girl loves to eat!

    New follower hopping through.


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Thanks Amanda

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