Teaser Tuesday- Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Here is a teaser from PURE!!!!

 "I reached for the bag again, but Aiden caught my hand. His fingers wrapped around mine. Our hands fit perfectly together." (page 69)

Words by the awesome Jennifer L. Armentrout


  1. OMG!!! I sooooooo can't wait for this!!! Great teaser also!

  2. Aiden oh Aiden! <3 That's a nice teaser! I hope I can read it as soon as I finish Half-Blood! Can't wait!

    XO, April @ Books4Juliet

  3. Oooh! I am sensing some potential romance! The cover is beautiful, whimsical, and the summary makes it look overall AMAZING! Will certainly read this.

  4. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I wanna cry right now. I need to read more about Aiden and that love triangle and more!! thanks for the teaser *-*

  5. Awesome teaser!!! i still need to read Half-Blood.... jeeez I suck.

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  6. Wow - that book cover is STUNNING!!!
    Love the teaser too. Looking forward to reading Pure!!


    *Sigh* Aiden *sigh*

  8. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till Pure comes out! btw I loved ur teaser!<3333

  9. I haven't read any Armentrout yet, but I just got Queene of Light, Child of Darkness, and Veil of Shadows. I hope I can get to them fairly soon! It seems like all her books have such cool covers!

    Here's mine:


  10. From beginning to end you fall in love with her characters, Alex and even hot delicious Aiden, who is her knight in shining armor. Following Alex's life through Half-Blood. It deals with Greek Gods and many creatures that it is way different than any other book I have read to far!


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