Halloween Giveaway!!

Hey everyone!! To celebrate Halloween Stuck In YA Books and the awesome publishing company Thomas Allen LTD are hosting a giveaway for CANADIAN book followers! For this Halloween giveaway it is...... 2 books by popular author Beth Fantaskey:



Open to Canada
Ends on November 1, 2012
* This giveaway is also hosted by Thomas Allen LTD who is giving away the copies to one lucky winner of both books!


  1. Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! I have been wanting to read these books for so long now and have not had the chance to pick them up!

  2. Thank you for hosting this giveaway! It isn't too often us Canadians are included. :)

  3. I LOVED Jessica's Guide and have been dying to get my hands on the sequel! Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter!

  4. I love the cover of these books how you see just the barest hint of fangs on the first one then Jessica is a bit darker on the second.

    Thanks so much for the chance...I would love to read them!

  5. So it's Halloween and I feel like I seriously need advice on dating on the dark side! I'm betting Jessica could give me all the advice I need.!

  6. Sounds like a dark read. Would love to win

  7. Thanks for the chance! I need plenty of advice on dating the dark side!

  8. Although I'm almost an adult now, I still love Halloween. These books sound perfect for me.

  9. whoops didn't see it was canada only, please disregard my entries!

  10. Hi! WOW thanks for the Canada giveaway! It's unusual, but nice since I'm from Canada! YAY! I read the first book (in french!) and I'm dying to read the sequel! Thanks for this chance!

  11. Sounds great! I like that it partially takes place in Romania. Very cool.:)

  12. I remember reading Dating on the Dark Side some time ago, but I definitely need a refresher on what the book's about! Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

    Lust For Stories

  13. I have always wanted to read these books. Thanks for the chance to win.


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Thanks Amanda

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