Authors are Rockstars - Kristen Simmons


Kristen Simmons is a rock star because of her creativity with this amazing series, her book boyfriend (aka Chase Jenninngs) and her amazing skills of writing. I got to know Kristen through one of her giveaways and she is one of the most nicest authors to get to know! She know how to capture an audience with the futuristic vibe that everyone knows and loves. A lot of people can relate to Ember to themselves in certain ways. Kristen Simmons YOU are a Rockstar! 
How do you develop your storylines. I am very excited to read the last book in this series Three which comes out soon!! 

Kristen Simmons on Storylines:

Storylines are generally the last things that come to me when I’m brainstorming a new book. Almost always I “meet” the characters first. They’ll pop up at random times – when I’m people watching, or listening to the radio, or just about the fall asleep. Usually I will envision them in some sort of situation, for instance, the first time I met Chase Jennings (my hero in the ARTICLE 5 series) he was sitting beside Ember in the cab of a truck, watching her sleep. He was completely agitated by the fact that she’d made these peanut butter sandwiches – that she’d done something nice and completely normal when he didn’t feel that he deserved it. I thought of how conflicted he’d feel as she curled up beside him with her head on his thigh. How that would change something in him. It took some time to realize what it changed in him and how he’d gotten there, but that was the beginning of Chase. That scene made it’s way into ARTICLE 5, and can be found on my website in it’s original form, from Chase’s perspective, under Extra Scenes.

Once the characters are established, I think of them in terms of growth. I ask myself what challenges they must face. When I’d met Chase and Ember, I’d already been dealing with this idea of Moral Statutes replacing the Bill of Rights – an idea that had come to me after witnessing a book banning outside a local bookstore – and I began to put together what kinds of conflicts they would face within a world that had accepted this major overhaul to the political system. After I understood where the characters started, what conflicts they would face, and how they changed as a result, I began to fill in the pieces with the plot. Then I layered in worldbuilding. I took enough notes to fill a dry erase board and a notebook or two (or three), and then I began to write. Wa-la! Story!

Thanks for having me!

About Kristen Simmons

Kristen Simmons writes young adult fiction- the kind that's dark and scary but generally involves some kissing. The final book in the Article 5 trilogy, THREE, will be published by Tor Teen in Winter, 2014. Words cannot describe how happy this makes her.


Kristen has been kind enough to giveaway a SIGNED copy of Article 5 and a hardcover of Breaking Point (not sure if signed) and 3 bookmarks to one winner!! 


  1. Hmm, not sure how I would live. I haven't read the book yet, but I'd hope I would try to be like the hero of the book.

  2. I'm not sure what I would do.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. I think that I would try to go to the middle of no where so that no one could find me.... Or maybe is be part of the rebellion! That would be fun! :) Aweaomw giveaway! And really interesting post!!

  4. I suppose I would do whatever I normally do since I will be used to it and wouldn't know any other way to live. Thanks for the giveaway! I appreciate the way she writes her books, characters first. It's nice to know I'm not the only one understands that characters shouldn't change who they are just to suit the plot line, the plot should follow how the character acts and should make sense with how their personality is. I hate when an awesome character all of the sudden does something stupid or doesn't make sense because the plot got stuck.

  5. I'm not sure. The world of Article five is so restricted and unfair. Probably try to leave in remote part of the country and not call attention to myself. I'm listening to Breaking Point now in audio book :)

    Kriten, you're a Rockstar because you created Chase!

  6. I really don't know. Try to survive, I guess.

  7. I havent read the series yet.. I dont really know what kind of society it is..Cant wait to read them, though!!

  8. I don't know what I love yet because sadly this series has yet to find its way to me. I'm also not sure what I would do if I had to live in this world... I tell ya it would be hard not to break the rules... Often.

  9. Just do the best I could, what other choice would I have?

  10. I would have probably already gotten myself killed if I lived in this society. I am a very open minded and smart mouthed woman and I love to speak my mind.

    My favorite part about these books is the fact that I can actually go to the places in it. My fiance is from Hagerstown and he took me down there to take pictures of stuff from the book. It was really awesome.

  11. This book has been on my TBR list for a while, but I still haven't gotten around to it. I've heard wonderful things about it though. My library doesn't have it so I will probably buy because I keep on seeing it online everywhere!

  12. I'd probably end up getting arrested or killed pretty quick. I can't keep my mouth shut when it comes to injustice.

  13. I hadn't heard of this series until now! I really enjoy dystopian fantasy novels (like Divergent), so the Article 5 trilogy sounds like it's my kind of read! I've added it to my to-read shelf on Goodreads! Best of Luck to Kristen Simmons!

  14. I have not read the series yet, so am not sure, I hope if I am faced with any future in life that is bleak, that my mind, body and spirit are strong enough to be a standup person and to have a positive impact in my life and in other peoples lives.

  15. I would hopefully be just like the fabulous MC! And I love everything about Article 5. My favorite dystopian to date, until Breaking Point! I can't see any other dystopian beating this one. It is just too good!

  16. I want to read these books SO BAD. They have been at the top of my list forever but I just can't seem to get my hands on them! They look like y kind of book and I have read so many good things about this series!


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