The Dollhouse Asylum by Mary Gray (Blog Tour)

The Dollhouse AsylumTitle: The Dollhouse Asylum
Author: Mary Gray
Pages: 296
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Release Date: October 22, 2013

Summary: Goodreads

A virus that had once been contained has returned, and soon no place will be left untouched by its destruction. But when Cheyenne wakes up in Elysian Fields--a subdivision cut off from the world and its monster-creating virus--she is thrilled to have a chance at survival.

At first, Elysian Fields,with its beautiful houses and manicured lawns, is perfect. Teo Richardson, the older man who stole Cheyenne's heart, built it so they could be together. But when Teo tells Cheyenne there are tests that she and seven other couples must pass to be worthy of salvation, Cheyenne begins to question the perfection of his world.

The people they were before are gone. Cheyenne is now "Persephone," and each couple has been re-named to reflect the most tragic romances ever told. Everyone is fighting to pass the test, to remain in Elysian Fields. Teo dresses them up, tells them when to move and how to act, and in order to pass the test, they must play along.

If they play it right, then they'll be safe.

But if they play it wrong, they'll die.


I thought this book was so scary and awesome that you will be still thinking about it after reading it! I loved the characters and the plot, it showed lots of scenes and tons of action. It was addicting after the first page!! The cover also gives us a plain sense of what will come! I wanted to see what Teo was thinking as well. But it would be scary to see what is going on through his mind after everything with Cheyenne.

Marcus is another love interest who is also Teo brother, but how can they be related!! It makes no sense because his brother is so evil. Cheyenne is our main character who has to go through so much to get to the main goal. She is the new girl in school and is trying to adjust to this new environment until she meets Teo. Teo is an interesting because he is plain crazy and has this God complex of where he thinks he can do anything.

Mary Gray's writing was addicting and full of suspense. Her myth based on Persephone was definitely interesting to all the other young adult books I have read. I definitely recommend to those in need of a good fix of creepy and mystery!


  1. I can't wait for this one to come out. It sounds so good. Of course, since it's the same day as Allegiant I may have a reading schedule conflict. :)


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