Follow Friday

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Alison Can Read & Parajunkee 

Ten Reasons You Read Your Favorite Genre

My favorite genres include:
YA, Romance, Fiction 

1. I love it! It is never boring 
2. Variety of genres 
3. The characters go through growth (easier to connect with)
4. They are popular and are now becoming movies
5. Its my go to genre
6. All the authors are so friendly and amazing
7. Lots of my friends love YA as well 
8. The writing is addicting 
9. Love how the plots are set out 
10. Connecting with other bloggers 


  1. I love the growth in YA characters. You can see it from beginning to end, and it's always so interesting to watch them. You feel like you're with them throughout the entire process. Following via GFC!

  2. I love YA books but could not come up with 10 reasons that I read them.

    Old Follower

    The Truth About Books
    My FF Answer Here

  3. Yes I like your reasons too! Similar to mine! New GFC follower

  4. Ohh that's actually a good reason, that the genres are so popular that they make movies out of them :) I don't always agree with the outcome of the movie, but I do always love watching them!

    Followed you through GFC :)

    Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

  5. Great list!

    I also enjoy watching the characters grow and transform over 300-500 pages. Another plus about reading YA is that it's most times fast paced. I like to read about action and not so much what the character is eating. YA authors are INCREDIBLE! I have yet to meet a YA author that isn't just the sweetest! All of my friends read YA too, that's actually how we all met - at YA signings.

    Happy F&F! I'm a new Bloglovin' follower! My F&F

  6. Great answers, exactly what I think as well! I can see YA being my go to for years to come, even when tastes might change since there is so much variety <3 happy reading! I'm a new follower :) My FF Post

  7. I think connecting with the authors and the bloggers add more fun to reading than I ever imagined! New follower GFC. My FFF:

  8. YA fantasy is my favourite genre, though I have an opposite problem to your no 7, most of my bookish friends hate YA with a passion. I'm lucky to have discovered the online book blogging community to share my ravings with!


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