The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3) by Mary E. Pearson

Title: The Beauty of Darkness
Author: Mary E. Pearson
Pages: 688
Genre: Fantasy/YA
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co (BYR)/ Raincoast Books
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Buy: Amazon| Kobo| Chapters Indigo

Summary (Goodreads)

Lia and Rafe have escaped Venda and the path before them is winding and dangerous - what will happen now? This third and final book in The Remnant Chronicles is not to be missed.

Bestselling author Mary E. Pearson's combination of intrigue, suspense, romance and action make this a riveting page turner for teens.


From the very beginning after reading The Kiss of Deception I knew immediately that this series was going to be amazing. Well, Mary E. Pearson did not disappoint me in the last her Remnant series. I just wish the story wasn't over!! Lia is tougher than ever as you dive deeper into this fantastic fantasy world! You will just devour this beautiful book!! Even after reading the book I will definitely will be re-reading this amazing series because every reference is important. 

The book does start where we left off in The Heart of Betrayal where we see Rafe and Lia are rescued and start making their journey back home. While I loved Kaden, Rafe just won my heart in one swoop- especially during some scenes!! The Beauty of Darkness was everything that I expected. I still enjoyed the point of views from Lia, Rafe, Kaden and Pauline. All the relationships between the characters felt real especially with everything that happened. The characters were themselves throughout the entire series and they even showed that they can be flawed. 

Since the series began, Pearson woven together the books of History of Gaudrel, Song of Venda and Last words of Morrighan as very important keys to what the characters would have to face as well as wisdom. I found it fascinating how it wove together perfectly with the world building. Hopefully we will see a novella that explain more of these stories! The entire plot was built in pefect order to the very end to see if Lia will defeat the enemy who will  meet his end. Well at times I felt like my heart was breaking through some scenes (Lia and Rafe) it was definitely worth it with that ending and even some specific scenes (page 210 ish) Here I'll give you a preview: "You are what matters to me, Lia. If you don't know that already, I'll find a hundred more ways to show you." I was swooning at this moment. 

Overall, I loved The Beauty of Darkness. This series is a must read and you will devour them all so quickly as it will also become one of your favorites. Mary E. Pearson, I am already looking forward to your next book series (hopefully out soon) or I would be happy with more Lia, Rafe, Kaden and Pauline. Thank you for creating this world that I have thoroughly enjoyed.



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