Once and for All by Sarah Dessen

Title: Once and for All
Author: Sarah Dessen
Pages: 358
Genre: YA Contemporary
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers/Penguin Canada
Release Date: June 6, 2017
Buy: Amazon| Chapters Indigo| Kobo
*Received for review by Penguin Random House Canada*

Summary (Goodreads)

As bubbly as champagne and delectable as wedding cake, Once and for All, Sarah Dessen's thirteenth novel, is set in the world of wedding planning, where crises are routine. 

Louna, daughter of famed wedding planner Natalie Barrett, has seen every sort of wedding: on the beach, at historic mansions, in fancy hotels and clubs. Perhaps that's why she's cynical about happily-ever-after endings, especially since her own first love ended tragically. When Louna meets charming, happy-go-lucky serial dater Ambrose, she holds him at arm's length. But Ambrose isn't about to be discouraged, now that he's met the one girl he really wants. 

Sarah Dessen’s many, many fans will adore her latest, a richly satisfying, enormously entertaining story that has everything—humor, romance, and an ending both happy and imperfect, just like life itself.


This is my first Sarah Dessen novel that I finally read! Once I heard about the summary of this book I knew I had to request a copy because it sounded like my kind of book. I was immediately drawn to the characters as well as hooked to the plot. Lets say that I was not disappointed when I finished the book because the main character does not believe in happy endings but she works with her mom who is a wedding planner. Louna is definitely a character who is independent and knows what she wants.

I was immediately drawn to the originality of the entire book. The behind the scenes about wedding planning is so intense and it seriously takes a long time to plan a wedding. Louna then meets the charming Ambrose who is up for the challenge for her to be the one girl he really wants. Plus he is funny! The way the book was written is by past (a year before) and present. You really understand why is written this way because near the end you get to become an emotional mess.

For this being my first Sarah Dessen novel it certainly did not disappoint. While I was a little sad/mad with the end, it made me smile by the end of the book. The romance in its entirely was a little disappointing and it made me feel like it was incomplete by the end. Overall, I did enjoy the read and I will probably be picking up more of her books in the future!



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