Interview- Josephine Angelini

Hey everyone, all you know that I have recently read Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini.
Read My Review HERE

I loved this book. It was fantastic and full of action. I loved her idea to use Greek mythology. I was so happy that she was also able to grant me an interview, even with her busy schedule.

Here's the Interview: Hope you all like it!!

Amanda: What drew you to write YA fantasy?

Josephine Angelini: I’ve always loved fantasy.  I’m a long-confirmed geek who grew up reading Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and the like.  I watch shows like TRUE BLOOD, GAME OF THRONES, and THROUGH THE WORMHOLE with Morgan Freeman religiously.  And yes, I realize that the last one on that list is an educational show on the Science Channel.  See?  *Points to self* Geek. 

The YA part of my interest came about because I think my writing style just fits inside this particular genre.  And honestly… YA has the most enthusiastic, committed fans in the world.  Why would I go anywhere else?  I LOVE YA!  (Pun intended)

A: What’s the best part of writing?

JA: Getting the story mapped out in an outline from beginning to end.  This is the perfect moment when you know that the story works, the characters work, and you have a few huge twists that are going to blow your reader’s minds. 

It’s also the moment before you screw the whole thing up with clunky prose, mouth tangling dialogue, and hackneyed metaphors. 

After the outline, the rest is just hard work to make it presentable because you know you’ll never get it “right”.

A: Any books you are looking forward to reading this year?

JA:There are a lot of “Book 2’s” I’m dying to read.  There were so many new series that came out this year—it was like a hailstorm of debut novels in the supernatural/dystopian scene.  There are too many to pick just two or three.

A: How did you come up with Starcrossed?

JA: I saw a copy of the Iliad sitting next to a copy of Romeo and Juliet on my bookshelf and wondered why no one had tried to tell the story of the Trojan War from the point of view of the two teenaged lovers who started it.  Then I set the whole thing in modern times.  It was a “Eureka” moment where I saw Homer’s heroes at their lockers between classes and the most beautiful woman in the world running cross-country in a goofy track uniform with her best friend.  The story really just came to me in a flash. 

A: How would you describe Helen Hamilton?

JA: Rotten singer.  Good friend.  Incognito badass.

A: How would you describe Lucas Delos?

JA: Boom goes the dynamite.  And he’s smart, too.

A: Any new news on the sequel?

 JA:  It’s finished.  Just to tell you a bit about it-- DREAMLESS is darker than STARCROSSED, and it has a lot more action.  And (dare I say it?) it’s sexier.  Part of the story takes place in the Underworld so there is a grittier, more dangerous feel to this book.  I also introduce a new and very important character named Orion, who is responsible for a lot of the aforementioned sexiness.  I’m so pleased with how this book turned out and I’m dying for next spring to come so everyone can read it! 

A: Best part of writing Starcrossed?

JA: Finishing it.  Whether I published or not didn’t matter at that point, all I cared about was that I finished what I started.  If you’ve ever tried to write a novel, run a marathon, eat a hundred hotdogs without barfing—whatever—you know exactly what I mean.  ;)

A: What is your favourite book?

JA: I don’t have one.  There are so many books that I’ve loved at different points in my life that I can’t commit to any single title.  I also don’t have a favorite movie, color, song, or ice-cream flavor.  I’m not big on favorites in general—I think it’s too limiting.

Thanks Josephine, for the wonderful interview, I cant wait to read Dreamless next year! If you haven't read Starcrossed, I recommend you move it up on you TBR pile


Helen Hamilton has always tried to hide how different she is—no easy feat on an island as small as Nantucket, and only getting harder as she finds herself haunted by hallucinations and vivid nightmares.

It's not until she crosses paths with Lucas Delos at school that Helen's true heritage is finally revealed. Yet even as Lucas helps her awaken to her startling powers, they can never be together—not unless they can break free from the tragic destiny the Three Fates have in store.


  1. Woah! Dreamless sounds like it's going to be awesome! I loved Starcrossed so I can't wait! :D


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