Follow Friday (5)

Q: What's the craziest thing you've ever done to get your hands on any particular book?

A: That`s a hard question, but I guess it was when I was at Chapters looking for Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I knew beforehand that they had the book in the store, but they didnt put them on the shelves yet. I asked one of the workers if they were able to help me. They searched their system and told me that it was just delivered yesterday (this was a Tuesday). So they searched the shelves, nothing, then she told me they would put it on hold for me. But being me, I knew one of the workers, who usually knows me to maybe get the book from the back:) It took a little while, but I did get the book. This has happened a lot to me, but eventually I do get that particular book that I want.   

Whats the craziest you have done!


  1. That's pretty cool that you know a person in there!! I had a hard time answering this question personally :)

  2. At least you got the book in the end!

    My FF @ Respiring Thoughts

  3. hahahahah Amanda, you know what you want, don't you LOL

    My #FF hop is here

  4. I do that too! Go the day the book is out and they don't already have it out on the shelves! So frustrating! You also reminded me one time I went to the book store a week before the book came out. I wanted If I Die by Rachel Vincent so bad that I missed up the date. Ending up getting it on kindle the second it came out.
    Old Follower!
    My Feature & Follow

  5. Lol I've never done anything crazy for a book! I feel so lame :(

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  6. you should read my post Ii had a similar problem but no solution yet . new follower

  7. amanda were you serious about the Cinder offer if so email me at that would be freaking awesome

  8. New follower here! I would have asked around for it too! Here is my FF if you'd like to follow back:

  9. Nice story, I don't think I've ever done something crazy...

    old follower

    Here is mine

  10. I don't know anyone that works in the bookstore, bet that comes in handy. <3


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