Stacking the Shelves (44)


Walking Disaster (Disaster #2) by Jamie McGuire
Hopeless (Hopeless #1) by Colleen Hoover *READ*
The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave #1) by Rick Yancy 
Crash (Crash #1) by Nicole Williams *Read* Its also signed + invitation for Crush!
Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike 

*Thank You Penguin Canada(HUGs), Atria Books, and HarperCollins for the amazing books this week!


Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra Clare
Breaking Point (Article 5 #2) by Kristen Simmons
Delirium Stories: Hana, Annabel, Raven by Lauren Oliver


  1. I really need to read the Infernal Devices books. I am so behind!

    Happy reading!

    My StS post @ Read and Reviewed

  2. That book of Delirium stories is one I really want! Very cool! The cover on Walking Disaster is gorgeous! Love it! :) Breaking Point is one that I really need to read and haven't yet! GREAT haul! Happy reading!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  3. I got Walking Diaster this week too! Hope you enjoy!

    My Stacking The Shelves

    Charlie xx

  4. A wonderful haul! Hopeless was amazing! I still need to read Beautiful Disaster.

    Happy reading! :-)

  5. Awesome haul! I want to read all of these (or at least start the series of some!) except Walking Disaster - I didn't like Beautiful Disaster so I'm not planning on reading the Walking Disaster. I hope you enjoy it though.

    Happy reading!

    My STS

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  6. Very nice! Cant wait to read Clockwork Princess. Happy Reading!

  7. I am so nervous to read Clockwork Princess. I think it's going to be pretty emotional! I definitely want to read Walking Disaster. I thought Beautiful Disaster was sort of like watching a train wreck, but at the same time I want to know what was going through Travis' mind throughout the whole story.

    Enjoy your goodies. Happy reading :)

  8. Very nice haul. You are so lucky to get your hands on Fifth Wave. That book looks awesome.


  9. I hope you love Walking Disaster! I ended up liking Beautiful Disaster significantly more, but oh well.. Enjoy! :)

    My Stacking the Shelves

  10. Oooh! Some good books there. I just requested Walking Disaster from NetGalley. I am planning on reading the first book and this one as I heard they are supposedly NA and I'm trying to read some more books from that genre to see what I think. Here's my STS post.

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

  11. I'm so jealous of Delirium Stories! I just got Requiem which is the third book so I want to read all the books that are in between as well! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

    My IMM

  12. Seems like we have a lot of the same reads in common. lol. The 5th wave and Earthbound look interesting. Happy reading :)

  13. Omg great haul! I want to read Hopeless! Here's mine

    Lisa @ When She Reads

  14. I keep seeing Earthbound everywhere, but I'm eager to hear how people are liking it! I enjoyed the first book in Pike's fairy series, but lost interest in the series after that. This one definitely looks promising, though!

  15. Great haul this week! I hope you enjoy your reads. I have seen Hopeless around a few blogs this week. I really want to read it!

  16. I hope the 5th Wave is great, I really want to read that one!

    Our Media Mail post is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  17. really awesome haul. happy reading :)

  18. I think I'll start Beautiful Disaster to finally know what all the fuzz is about!
    Lucky you got the sequel!!

    And Breaking Point is PERFECTION!!!!
    Also... I need to catch up with TID! I can't remember CA and I haven't read CP1!

    Enjoy them all!!

    I've read that Hopeless is really good, I got it. I think. And now that I think about it if I got it I completely forgot to add it to my post lol

    Happy Reading!
    Here 's what I got this week if you'd like to stalk!

    Alba @ BookPics

  19. I think everybody's gotten The Clockwork Princess this week, considering it's out and it was just AMAZING! :) Also, I've been seeing a lot of Walking Disaster as well, so I hope you enjoy that one! It definitely sounds like another really polar kind of book.

    Happy reading and have a great weekend!

  20. The cover for EARTHBOUND is gorgeous! So many pretty colors! I feel bad b/c I'm like the only person who hasn't bought CLOCKWORK PRINCESS yet. You must let me know what you think of it! :D

  21. I LOVED Hopeless. And I don't know when I would have read it if I hadn't won a copy. :P Great haul. Enjoy your new reads!


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