The Indigo Love of Reading Foundation

From Sept. 15 to Oct. 5 Indigo, Chapters and Coles locations across Canada will invite Canadians to raise funds to supply more than 64,000 books for high-needs elementary schools across Canada.

There are two ways to get involved:

1. Make a donation – Donations will be accepted in-store at Indigo, Chapters and Coles locations across Canada or online at Every $12 donation equals one new book. 

2. Adopt a school – Canadians can also “adopt” a local school at and, through their online networks, encourage friends and family to raise funds for books at their selected school. For every school who receives 50 “adoptions” Indigo Love of Reading Foundation will donate one book to the school. 

Today in Canada more than 42% of the population are functionally illiterate and struggle with day-to-day reading tasks. A large number of Canadian children do not own a single book and school libraries are their only access to books. Current school library budgets allow for about a third of a book per student. 


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