Getting To Know Bloggers (1) - Ryley@The Paperback Princess

Why did you start blogging
Obviously I love to read, so that's the main thing that started it. I really just wanted a place where I could share all my thoughts and talk to other book addicts like me, so this seemed like a good option!

Favorite part of being a blogger?
Definitely the sense of community! I haven't been at this for a very long time but it's so nice to have a bunch of people with similar interests who are genuinely nice people. As far as I've seen in the time that I've been blogging, everyone is incredibly supportive. 

Do you prefer paperback or digital? 
I love hard copies. I've never been able to focus with ereaders or audiobooks, to be honest. 

Most anticipated book? 
I recently found out that Morgan Matson has a new book coming out in 2016 and almost screamed with excitement. I'd read her grocery lists, I swear. 

One book you would recommend and why? 
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. It's one of my favourite books of all time, and I honestly think it should be required reading for anyone who loves books. Such a good story and message and oh my god I want to read it again. 

Favorite genre to read about?
I've always been fond of YA contemporaries just because they're easy to relate to, but I've found myself drifting toward fantasy and dystopia lately! 

Name an author you would love to meet in person and why? 
J.K. Rowling, no question about it. Everything about her inspires me and I would love the chance to thank her for getting me into reading. I was 12 when the last Harry Potter book came out, and I was one of those kids who always pre-ordered the books and then sat up reading them pretty much non-stop until I was finished, so the series was definitely a huge part of my childhood. As cheesy as it sounds, I am a hundred percent sure that I would not be the person I am today if it weren't for those books. 

Favorite book?
Impossible to choose. That's like asking me to pick which of my dogs I love the most! I will say that I really loved Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler, and Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway. Those, along with the Harry Potter books and The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, are probably my top five. 

Be sure to check out Ryley's Blog !!

Follow her on Twitter! 

If you would like to be featured as a blogger please email me! 


  1. Replies
    1. Also, I just nominated you for the Book Fangirling Blog Award! Check it out :)


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