Endless Summer By Jennifer Echols

I personally loved these two books because of the relationship between Lori and Adam, and how you see it really grow into a relationship in the second novel developed for that book-I Loved it from beginning to end. This isn`t my first echols book, and I LOVE all of her books because they show a sense of growing up and developing relationships in every books that she has written. The Boy Next Door is the first book and part of the novel, through the point of views of Lori and Adam. We see the story develop in to love near the end, because we get the sense of love from both characters. Endless Summer topped of their story about the ups and downs of relationships that could cause these two to break up- Also the relationship with Adams brothers grows in this part of the book. Overall Echols did a great job with this sequel and I can`t wait until Love Story comes out sometime this Summer!


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