Recommend Fridays (2)

This is a weekly meme. It was created by Stuck In YA Books & A Cupcake and a Latte. Bloggers will tell others what is your favorite book and why you love it. This will include an genres of books (fiction particularly) . The blogger must add a link to where viewers can add their book to their TBR lists.

This weeks  is.......
I just adored this book. It had everything in it, Angels, love, friendship, action. Its gotta be one of my favorite books by far this year. There are many on this list but I will mention this book to read due to the characters and also the plot that was enjoyable to read. Every person who loved the book still talks about it. Add this to your TBR list because its one awesome book:) 

What is your ?


  1. Great idea!!! --->_yay_ puts book on GR to-read list NOW lol.
    I'll be taking part in the meme from now on starting next week. I've been too busy today (well, yesterday that is)
    Greetings from Germany!
    _yay_ @ BookthatThing

  2. I just read this book and LOVED IT!



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Thanks Amanda

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