Armchair BEA: Social Media (Day 2)

Social Media

I use social media a lot as a blogger because it  means to connect with other bloggers, readers and friends across the globe. Currently I'm using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and my blog as ways to help readers look for their next book. I post all my reviews on the internet on stores sites (Amazon, Chapters Indigo, and Goodreads. If you are starting off as a new blogger I recommend you for sure make connections with authors and publishers on Twitter etc.

When I started blogging I didn't know what to do so I went to get help through social media and some other bloggers were able to help me get on my feet and even start giveaways! Check out my media outlets on the right!!


  1. I agree that twitter is the best place to make connections. It was the first site that I really used for tor my blog and its where I met loads of my blogger buddies :)
    My post C on Social Media if you want to check it out!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I use Twitter the most, it's my favourite and the book blogging community is so helpful! I started out there and on my blog too, but I also used Goodreads, although I'm not sure if that counts as social media. :)

  4. I use Facebook the most, although I've started getting back into Twitter for some chats.

  5. Glad there were those that came to help you out! I've had a lot of trouble in the area of blogging and one blogger in particular- The Book Dame- helped me out in every area from blog design to getting comments. It really is great to have a support system.

  6. I tend to use Facebook more than any other social media sites. I need to get back to using the others.

  7. I use Twitter and Instagram the most. It has helped me make connections with other bloggers and authors.

    Tina, The Bookworm

  8. See, that is what I love about the book community. I love the way that they responded to you on Twitter!

  9. Social media has definitely been a major help in me landing on my feet in book blogging and it's so much fun to connect with bloggers and authors via sm! Hopefully I'll see you at the Twitter chat tonight :) Thanks for sharing :) Can't wait to read the rest of your BEA posts!
    My BEA post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  10. Twitter is definitely an awesome place to chat with other book bloggers and authors it's so cool to legit actually talk to if i just used it more lol :)

    Cierra @ Books Ahoy


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