Fast-Forward Friday (1)

Fast-Forward Friday is a weekly event, hosted here at Between The Spine, that recognizes an upcoming date that you would like to Fast-Forward too! What's so special about these upcoming dates? Anything BOOK related! If a book you are anticipating is being released, tell us why you're excited! If a release date has been set for a movie based on your favourite book, let us know! If you are attending a book signing or event, keep us posted! The options are endless! If you would like to share your Fast-Forward Friday blog post please post it in the comments below!

What I'm most excited for is Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Mass because one she is one amazing author who know how to hook you in immediately and the romance is hot!!! 

I already want to know what is going to happen in this book! Hopefully I will get to meet Sarah J. Maas soon because I heard she is amazing to talk to and really friendly. Plus she loves Jamie from Outlander !! 

Be sure to preorder this lovely book, either paperback or e-book. 


  1. I had planned on ordering this book when it released (for some reason it can be quicker then pre-ordering) but then I saw the pre-order prize plus how it should arrive fairly quickly and I couldn't resist! Of course skipping ahead to the date would be extra great :D
    Enchanted by YA


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Thanks Amanda

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