Armchair BEA Day 3: Networking in Real Life

Networking in Real Life

I usually network through blogging and connection with all the bloggers in the community. I have never been to a signing or actually met any authors YET. I know its sad, but I still like talking to all the authors on twitter or through e-mail!  I love connecting with publishers because they are amazing people who do amazing things with their jobs as well as connecting with us, some have even become friends with blogger, which I find awesome! Networking is the key to success with book blogging , once you get to know the community you are set! 

What I love about networking is the experiences of designing a blog and having an opinion with other bloggers about similar books that we both like. A lot of people go to signing which major authors go to, I have only went to smaller ones with small authors when I was a kid. Getting a signed book to me is like a surprise because its still a connection with the author. I remember participating in auctions for books for relief fund and winning some of the auctions. I met new bloggers and entered many giveaways which also turned into a friendship with bloggers. If anyone starts a blog I recommend starting with goodreads and post your reviews, comment on other bloggers blogs, join twitter which is a good one because you can connect with authors and your peers. I live in a small city in Ontario, no authors come here except once we had Robert Munch who I didnt meet but I would love to connect with some of the students who are interested in the same genre of books as me to talk about books. BEA does a great job with networking with everyone as well as Armchair BEA because as a community we interact. I Love being a blogger and will hopefully someday go to BEA and meet amazing authors that I love!! Enjoy Armchair BEA!!   Remember to also be yourself and have fun when blogging!


  1. A lot of your favorite authors may host their own giveaways. You should check and see. I know it doesn't come close to attending an in-person event, but you'll still get some interaction with them.

  2. It sounds like you're pretty connected with people, even if not so much in real life. Just make use of the opportunities when they arrive. And who knows, maybe you'll go to BEA one day!

  3. I love the thrill of getting a signed book or tweet back from an author! I equate it to getting a rock star's autograph!


  4. I've never had the chance to go to a signing either, though I'd really love to. Oh the trouble of living in the middle of nowhere. But, at least we have the internet as a way of interacting with the authors - I love it when one of them actually says something BACK! lol. I rarely send them something directly, but whenever I have, they have been very nice about it. And you're right, Twitter is a great way to connect!

  5. I love signed books! I usually have to win them because there really is only 1 event a year for authors to venture close to where I live. I started like you suggested, by starting on goodreads and then moving on to commenting on blogs and twitter. It has worked well for me. Great post! :)

    My Networking Post

  6. Great ideas for newcomers to book blogging. Your passion shows in your writing. I've been fortunate to have attended many book-related events over the years, and I've enjoyed them all.

  7. It's so funny to see many people saying that "no authors come here." I thought my city was the only one that always got overlooked!

    The Flashlight Reader

  8. Definitely some great advice. Never underestimate the online networking either! But it's always wonderful to have the real life networking too. I hope I'll get to meet some of my awesome blogger friends one day. :D

    My bookish real life story!

  9. I live in a small city, but close to the capital of Alberta ... Unfortunately, no one ever comes here! And if they do, it's always to the parts of the city where I don't have any idea how to navigate.

    That's cool that Robert Munsch came to your town! Too bad you didn't get to see him.

    I definitely love to network online with bloggers, publishers, and authors. The internet makes it so easy!


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