Armchair BEA: Day 5: Future of Book Blogging

The Future of Book Blogging

Sharing some tips of book blogging is to be yourself and have fun book blogging.
1. Have Fun!! :D
2. Networking - (twitter, facebook, commenting on others blogs) 
3.  Become friends with other bloggers
4. Join Goodreads 
5. Contact publishers
6. Be Creative on your blog
7. Have giveaways
8. Take part in Memes (Teaser Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday etc.)
9. Request ARCs on Netgalley and Edelweiss 
10. Be professional when e-mail publishers and bloggers
11. Be Yourself!!

I think the future of book blogging has just began and it will continue to grow. It is already big and I love being apart of it because I have meet soo many people through this amazing process! Above is some tips I would tell future bloggers to do when they begin blogging! Today is the last day of Armchair BEA and it was an amazing process and I will do it again in the future!! I have learnt many new things about blogging during this process which was FUN!!

My experience with blogging was hard at first but then it began because I entered giveaways at first then another blogger helped me make buttons and gave me suggestions to improve my blog! I am happy at where my blog is at because I am proud of my blog and what blogging means to me which is all about your views about the books we love. I sometimes also had trouble finding publisher address but eventually you find them, you can also ask them on twitter because they are the publicists. These people are amazing!! <3 all of them!

If you have any other suggestion leave them in the comment box!



  1. Yes! I think it's important to have a blog you're proud of and have fun while doing it. :D

  2. I need to update my Goodreads profile. I prefer LibraryThing, but Goodreads is the one that became popular.

  3. Great list Amanda! I think # 1 and 11 are the most important! I didn't feel comfortable giving many tips, so I'm mostly asking for advice on mine :)

    Here is my "Ask the Expert" post!

    Have a great Friday!

  4. Great ideas - thanks for sharing them

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  5. So so true! a wonderful list Amanda..

    My post -

    PS.. Looking @ your countdown to Deity - I can't believe we still have 150+ days to wait {argh!!}..

  6. Oh wow!!! I love them all!! Taking notes too!! I'm international so I've never really approached a publisher before, I understand how the keep internationals on another kind of 'list' heheh so I don't think I've ever wanted to go head on and ask them... plus, I'm too shy...
    Can I say I LOVE this post? >.< :D ~runs away~
    This rocks! ~runs away again~
    I love love love loveeeeeeeeeeee it ~runs away~

    hehehe~evil laugh~ You'll have to get used to it, I tend to see ONLY the good in EVERYTHING!
    Here's my ABEA for today! You're welcome to stalk->

  7. Great suggestions, and so simple! It's been a fun week, my post is not so insightful today...but maybe I'll go back and edit... You've inspired me. :)

  8. Great suggestions!

    It's been nice getting to know you this week! Hope you've had a great week. :)

  9. Glad you're enjoying blogger life! Yes, all beginnings are difficult. Your suggestions are spot-on.

  10. Great tips! Thanks for sharing!


  11. You should be proud :)

    That's a great tip -- I think I came across it somewhere else during ABEA, to network with the publishers and publicists as well.

  12. It's so important to network and comment on other blogs!

    I agree that I also had a hard time when I first started blogging. I really didn't understand how to blog so I just kept it to myself. I feel like I've learned so much in the past year that blogging is indeed fun now!

    Great tips!

  13. I love that you tell ppl to join goodreads! I love it so much!

  14. Good advice! I love Goodreads to keep track of my massive TBR. Can't believe I didn't know it existed until a few months ago!

    Great post! Thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA Ask the Experts post.

  15. Great post! I forgot Goodreads on my post. Librarything and such are good, too. :)

  16. Some great tips. Fun to meet another Canadian blogger! :)

  17. Blogging is a fun activity for most of the book bloggers out there and so, it would be no good to take it as a chore and people would know that right away!

    My Armchair BEA: Sharing My Tips post.


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Thanks Amanda

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