Review: Reflection (#1) by Jessica Roberts

Title: Reflection
Author: Jessica Roberts
Type: Kindle Edition
Publisher: S/P
Release Date: February 17, 2012

Summary: (Goodreads)

Bright, spunky Heather Robbins has escaped her small hometown and is anxiously beginning her freshman year of college. Rising above her rocky childhood, she’s found a place where good things are finally starting to happen: her own private apartment, refreshing college classes, and an intense attachment to a mysterious and rugged classmate, Nick Richards.

But when her dreamy college life turns out to be nothing more than a wonderful dream while resting in a coma, questions threaten.

Now, Heather must press forward to unlock the real past, and find the answers buried deep in her mind. What she unlocks instead is a roller coaster ride through flashbacks, embellished memories, and a whirlwind romance.

And when it’s all over and she comes face to face with the truth, will she lose everything she’s fallen in love with?

                          *Received for review by the author*

I thought Reflection was perfect, my emotions were everywhere and the chemistry between Heather and Nick OMG! In Jessica Roberts novel, Reflection the characters, writing and romance where out of this world beautiful! The setting is college which is unique because there is independence,  and romance. This was different than any other novel I have read. It started off a little slow but then all the events of her being in a coma. It is written with Heather past as she remembers her past as well as where she is when she wakes up in the hospital.  Jessica Roberts writing is addictive and beautiful that you will not be able to put this book down. 

I loved all of the characters. After reading the novel you really bond with them all and I love how everything unfolded. You can really relate to Heather's personality because I was nervous, shy a little nerdy. Heather wanted to be somebody new when she came to a different school. Her relationship with Nick Richards was out of this world romantic and swoon worthy. Nick is one of those mysterious guys that you have to know and once they meet its like love at first sight but they remain friends before they enter a relationship. Nick is adorable, unique and I want one of him! I loved how the relationship wasn't a insta-love thing also because everything they did was adorable. All the secondary characters were hilarious. I could gush about this book all day because its amazing, emotional and full of twists and turns.

As the book goes on the relationship and the novel takes a turn as we learn how Heather got into a coma. But looking into Heather's memories of Nick were unforgettable moments because it made you laugh, and I loved how they started to fall in love by starting to be friends. Now the ending, the ending was mouth-dropping because it had me in tears, and now I get to wait for the sequel which comes out in the fall 2012 which seems like forever because that ending was OMG and I think I am addicted to this author now.  I definitely recommend this book to ANYBODY because its amazing and Jessica Roberts is a great writer!!



  1. hollllyy mother eff buckets!!! I plan on reading this book soon and you've made me SO excited!! But, also nervous. Because I don't want to fall in love with Nick just have something happen at the end.... *BITES NAILS*. Awesome review girl :)

  2. S/P? Was this self-published?? If so, it's an example of a self pubbed cover done VERY right. It made me stop to read the blurb, and now it's on my TBR list.

  3. I haven't heard of this one at all before I read your review. I'll have to add it to my tbr. As Kelley asked above, I'm assuming it is a self-published work as it is only available as an e-book. You definitely can't tell by the cover or by your review. So kudos to the author on doing such a great job!

  4. No... You made me want to read the book, but now I don't want to be devastated at the end, then have to wait until Fall... oh, well, i'll do it anyway ;-) Thanks for the review! and yes, great cover!


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