Waiting on Wednesday: King's Cage (Red Queen #3) by Victoria Aveyard

Title: King's Cage 
Author: Victoria Aveyard 
Pages: 448
Genre: Fantasy 
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: February 7, 2017

Summary (Goodreads)

In the third book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen series, Mare is forced to play a psychological cat-and-mouse game with an old and deadly enemy, where the stakes are not only the future of the Red Rebellion but the sanctity of her own mind.


  1. Omg yes!! I love this cover and I can't wait for this book!! *casual fangirling*

  2. I really love how beautiful the covers are together <3 Thanks for sharing, great choice !!

    My WoW

  3. YES!!! I'm excited for this one! I loved the other two. Here's my WoW if you'd like to stop by my blog.

  4. I still haven't started this series yet but the cover is nice! Here's my WoW @ LazyBookLovers!

  5. I didn't realize there was another book coming out already in this series. I really need to catch up. I hope you enjoy this one!!

    My WoW: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2016/06/waiting-on-wednesday-witchs-pyre-by.html

  6. I am so stoked the cover came out this week! I have been so swamped I haven't had a chance to read book two yet but hope to get to it next month but I love having the next title and cover ready and waiting! Less waiting when I catch up ;) My WoW

  7. Wow. Cover looks great. I will have to check this one out. Good pick. Hope you enjoy it.

  8. Solid choice - this series is on my to read list - just haven't found the time yet. Here's my WoW post

  9. YES!!! I can't wait to read this. I just got book 2 not long ago and LOVED book 1 so I can't wait to dive in while camping this next week. Happy reading. Waiting on Weds @Libby Blog


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