In My Mailbox (22)

A feature exclusively titled by Kristi from The Story Siren that is used by several blogs to display their received reads for the week.

 This week has been huge, I got a box full of awesome book from Hachette UK Canada, who are to thank for this book mailbox, and I do hope to get reading them in the near future and I also bought to books on Friday, Born at Midnight and Cryer's Cross, I really like this cover!! 

What I Bought:
Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1) by C.C Hunter
Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann

From HUKCanada
15 books!! 15 books!! I wont mention them all but they all look awesome! I love some of the covers:D 

(For Review) via Netgalley

Halflings by Heather Burch (Zondervan Publishing)
Allegiance (Legacy #2) by
Pretty Crooked (Pretty Crooked #1) by

Also got some PRETTY Swag from Author Jodi Meadows who is super awesome:D  I loved Incarnate and I look forward to adding it to my shelf!!


  1. WOW, that is an awesome week. Which one do you think you'll read first? Are you "required" to do book reviews?


  2. WOW u had a GREAT week!! so many books! all the covers are really pretty! did ya check out my IMM yet?

  3. Wow, that's quite a haul! Congrats and happy reading!

  4. @Mary I am not sure for the HUK ones, I think these were extras that they were shipping to bloggers

  5. Great haul!

    Cryer's Cross is absolutely AMAZING and creepy and awesome!


    Reading Writing Breathing

  6. Wow! So jealous! Canadian bloggers seem to be able to get more books than US bloggers. Maybe I should move to Canada..? lol. Hope you enjoy them all, and thanks for stopping by :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  7. WOW! A 15 book package?! That's amazing, lucky you! Have fun reading all those:) Pretty Crooked looks awesome, I was super excited when I saw it on NetGalley, can't wait to see what you think!

  8. Wow! Such a great haul! I haven't read Cryer's Cross but I do enjoy Wake, Fade and Awake books by Lisa McMann! Enjoy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  9. Ooh, talk about a awesome book week! Haha, happy reading! =D

  10. I got Pretty Crooked as well! :)
    I loooooove those 15 books, I'm so jealous! :) Hope you'll enjoy them all. Happy reading!

    Come check out my IMM

    Have a great weekend,
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  11. WOW, I saw a blogger get a MASSIVE box from Hatchette CA as well, the non-US Hatchette has some major blogger love!! SO AWESOME!! :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  12. You got a great mailbox this week! Those look awesome, I'm adding some of those to my list!

  13. Oh wow, great mailbox. How funny that I just got Cryer's Cross IMM too.

  14. Lucky you Amanda!!! Great. It takes the pressure off you to just read them and then get around to a review.


  15. Wow that's a lot of books, the box must have been heavy. Happy reading!

  16. I hope you enjoy everything especially Born at Midnight i cant wait to read that! Come check out my IMM!

  17. Lucky you for Pretty Crooked! It sounds GOOD<3

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies
    -thank you&come again.

  18. Awesome haul! Born at Midnight was a great read and I really enjoyed it! Enjoy your books :D

  19. Great mailbox! Very cool that you got two boxes full of great titles this week! Enjoy!

    Alexia's Books and Such...

  20. I've had Cryers Cross for a while now (a diff. cover though) and still haven't read it. I'll be checking for your review! ;)

    Xpresso Reads

  21. Look at all these awesome books you got!!! Cryer's Cross sounds very interesting! I like the cover! It looks very sweet, like Sleeping Beauty, but at the same time, it looks like something has already happened to the characters. Great mailbox! Thank you for sharing!

    Books For All Seasons

  22. I didn't like the last Cryer's Cross cover, but I might grab a copy of this one. Enjoy all those books ;)

  23. Wow! That's a pretty awesome haul there! I didn't know Cryer's Cross got a new cover, nice! Really wanna read Pretty Crooked. Happy reading!

    My IMM

  24. Wow that's amazing. I've seen quite a few who have received some random reads from Hatchette UK Canada. They all seem quite interesting! Happy Reading :)

    My IMM

  25. Nice haul! That's a lot of books! I haven't heard of most of them, though.

    Also, not sure if I'm liking that Cryer's Cross cover. It's really different!

    Thank you for your comment on my IMM as well :)

  26. The books from Hachette look great! Happy reading!

  27. Wow, amazing haul of books!! Enjoy!


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Thanks Amanda

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