Waiting on Wednesday (22)

Title: Dreamless (Starcrossed #2)
Author: Josephine Angelini 
Publisher: HarperTeen

As the only Scion that can enter Hades at will, Helen descends to the Underworld in search of a way to overcome the Furies and end the cycle of revenge that has cursed the Scions. But she’s running out of time. Each descent weakens her both in mind and spirit. A mysterious stranger might be her only salvation, but the price may be her love for Lucas Delos.

As an unforgettable love triangle emerges, Josephine Angelini’s compelling saga becomes ever more intricate and spellbinding. The eagerly awaited sequel to the internationally bestselling Starcrossed, Dreamless delivers with a huge emotional impact that will leave readers satisfied—and longing for more.

Why am Excited?

1. I really LOVED Starcrossed
2. The cover is Gorgeous 
3. The love between Lucas and Helen is fantastic and I need to know what happens next in this amazing series. 
4. Josephine is an AMAZING Writer!!
5. Wishes to read this book now:D

What is your Waiting on Wednesday?? 


  1. I have Starcrossed on my shelf and really need to get to it. I'm hugely into Greek mythology and I cannot believe I haven't touched it yet. This sounds really interesting.

  2. Great pick, I am so excited for this as well. I loved Starcrossed and can't wait for Dreamless! I totally agree with everything you said and I am in love with the cover also it is gorgeous!

    My WoW

  3. I have yet to read Starcrossed but these covers are gorgeous! and I've heard great things! :)

  4. that sounds like a great book, although I still haven't read the first one yet, haha, soon hopefully, thanks for stopping by!

  5. Nice choice! I haven't read the first yet. I honestly think I would have if I'd gotten the beautiful hardcover but I have the yellow-orange colored paperback, so I've been putting it off. xD Stupid reason? Probably. I need to stop being silly and get to it. :P

  6. Great WOW post!!! I really need to read Starcrossed!!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! http://tessmw.blogspot.com/2011/12/waiting-on-wednesday-soul-kissed.html

  7. I love the cover and I so need to read starcrossed! it is on my list! this sounds really good! I hope you enjoy it when it comes out :)

  8. I love that cover. I've yet to actually read Starcrossed, even though I have it sitting on the shelf. Maybe I should get on it...lol.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  9. Nice pick! I need to read Starcrossed. It sounds great!

  10. I haven't read Starcrossed yet but I'm eager to pick it up since it's been on my 'to-read' list for so long. Great choice otherwise!

  11. I love the cover, so pretty :) Still haven't read Starcrossed, but I'm planning to read it in 2012 for the mythology challenge :)

  12. I really need to read Starcrossed! It's been in my pile for quite sometime now.

    Awesome pick!
    See my WoW picks here

    Jay @ We Fancy Books

  13. OoOo I had Starcrossed on my list so wondering if I got it! I love the covers they are sooo purdy =)

  14. Hi Amanda! The cover of Dreamless is just as gorgeous as Starcrossed. I will add this on my TBR (here I go again, I hate Wednesdays! lol)

  15. Starcrossed is a book I've been really eager to read and now even more after checking out Dreamless! Nice pick! Thanks for sharing.

    Magical Urban Fantasy Reads

  16. Both the covers in this series are gorgeous. I still need to read book 1.

  17. OMG! I'm dying to read Dreamless too. I just loved Starcrossed. I need to know what happens next! *sigh* I wish it were coming out sooner. This book is a must-read for sure! Thanks so much for sharing Amanda! Epic awesome pick!

    My WOW: http://jessiraelloyd.blogspot.com/2011/12/waiting-on-wednesday-1.html

  18. WOW I LOVE that cover... awesome pick! Thanks for stopping by mine!!

  19. Oh no I have to read book 1 before this one comes out o_O

    Xpresso Reads

  20. I am SO excited for this one!! I loved Starcrossed and I can't wait for more!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  21. i havent read starcrossed yet but i LOVE LOVE LOVE this cover!!!! its orgasmic!!!!

    Tara’s WOW


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