30 Days of Daemon Blog Tour

1) Dear Daemon, I am in LOVE with you! <3 But you’re not real... Am I crazy?

Dear Crazy,

Well, I think I’m real. So you’re not crazy. And secondly, you LOVE me, so you must be sane and have good taste.

Yours truly,

[2]Dear Daemon, Is it possible for a human and a Luxen to procreate? On another note, do you have a Luxen alterna-name too, or just Daemon?

Dear Sex on the Brain,

Humans and Luxen can bow chicka brown cow all they want, but as far as any little Daemon babies running around, as far as I know, that doesn’t happen. Has to do with the DNA. And my real name? That’s a little personal.

Yours Truly,

[3]Can you recommend me an ideal product for that just-got out-of-bed ‘I really don’t give a crap yet I look ridiculously sexy anyway’ hair?

Dear Hair Problems,

My hair is just naturally “I really don’t give a crap yet I look ridiculously sexy anyway,” but for those not blessed with the natural sexy hair gene, I suggest washing your hair the night before, sleep it on wet, and when you wake up, don’t bother to brush it, because remember, you don’t give a crap. BUT do run your fingers through it, smooth down those rough edges. It won’t look as sexy as mine, but it will be close.

Yours truly,

[4] I'm a male reader of Obsidian and I gotta say - Katy is all types of fine. Share?

Dear Male Reader,

From one guy to the next, she is all kinds of fine.

Yours truly,


[5] Dear Daemon, How do I meet a guy who is as hot, ripped and awesome as you? Fizz

Dear Fizz,

You can’t. I’m one of a kind.

Yours truly,


 If you’re in need of some more Daemon today be sure to check out Pure Imagination for another Dear Daemon! To see the entire tour list visit the Entangled Blog!


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