Follow Friday

 Follow Friday is now hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of course and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!

Q: Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?

A: I would go to Florence Italy at the Boboli Gardens to read. I have already been here and its absolutely beautiful! Definitely a place to go!


  1. I've been wanting to go to Italy for a while. I've only heard good things and it's absolutely beautiful! It'd probably be very relaxing to read in that garden.

  2. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I love Florence <3 I would have loved to have seen these gardens..

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend, Sharon

  3. Hopping through. Florence sounds wonderful. I love walking around nicely tended gardens.
    My Hop

  4. Ahhh, Florence <3 I really want to visit that place someday. I've already been in Italy once, at Laggio Maggoire (which is beautiful!) so I'd definitely want to visit the place on your picture some day.

  5. Would love to go there someday.

  6. Aaaaw, I want to visit Florence one day, too!

    Patricia // My Hop

  7. Oh, that is beautiful! Thanks for following, following back!


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